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Dormitory and catering system ISKaM

The ISKaM information system is a new dormitory and catering system used at the Silesian University in Opava since the academic year 2013/2014:

  • admitted applicants to study to apply for dormitories,
  • student can apply for accommodation, book a dormitory, choose a bed. In addition, the student has the ability to check their incoming payments.
  • The catering module allows a combined system of food collection, i.e. order and no-order system.

Description of the application

The ISKaM information system operates on the principle of “clearing”, i.e. = the student enters, under one variable symbol, a sum of money into the system. From this entered amount the student is automatically deducted the payment for the dormitory, and can also draw from it when paying in the canteen and for printing. The system does not allow the student to go into minus payment.


A student sent cash to an account: 3000 CZK
5th day of the month - payment for the dormitory -2170 CZK
balance 830 CZK
payment in the canteen -55 CZK (approx.) up to 0 CZK

Web interface

The ISKaM information system has a web interface for students. Here the student can check his/her payments and account movements, personal details, request accommodation, choose a room -

You log in to the ISKAM website with your CRO details. For more information, please visit Central Register of Persons (CRO).

loginuniversity number (indicated on the invitation)
passwordbirth number (foreigners-pseudo-birth number)
password password for CRO

Depositing money into a clearing account

  1. at the cash desk
  2. reception of the dormitory at Vyhlídka
  3. library
  4. cashless/card payment on your account
  • account number - 117479043/0300
  • variable symbol - birth number (without slash)

Dormitory module

The system allows the student to apply for accommodation, book a dormitory, choose a bed. In addition, the student has the ability to check their incoming payments through the web interface.

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en/sluzby/iskam.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/01/22 06:58
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