This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.


During enrolment you choose the courses, that you want to study. If all conditions are met (free capacities, prerequisites etc.), they will be added to the list of your courses. The term for courses enrolment for all students of SU SBA (all forms or years of study) was set by Dean's Decision No. 1/2025 to:

3. 2. 2025 from 5:00 PM to 16. 2. 2025 until 11:59 PM


  • Using the tile Student - Course Registration and Enrolment, register for the courses (lectures) including seminar groups. You must register for the seminar groups after you have registered for the lecture by clicking on the blue silhouettes with the sign +

Detailed instructions for enrolment can be found HERE.

Dates can always be found in the schedule of the academic year

Changes in course enrollment, i.e., dropping a course from the schedule, may be made until 11:59 p.m. on February 23, 2025. To change the seminar group for a course, it is necessary to contact the contact persons listed in the course syllabus or the instructor of the course. No changes to course enrollment will be possible after 2/23/2025.


In the event that you receive information that the course cannot be enrolled, you can ask the contact person for an exception. Always include the course code in your request with a brief justification.


In case you are for some subjects (compulsory, optional and elective), you can ask the contact person for an exception ( Video instructions in Czech language).

Before doing so, check whether your application is legitimate, i.e. whether you meet the prerequisite (form and type of study, year, programme/field, specialisation/direction). Be sure to include a brief justification in your request for exemption. After submitting your request, an information email will be sent to you with a statement from the contact person.

If your exemption is accepted, your application will be automatically processed within the next day, or proceed as follows ( Video instructions in Czech language).

My timetable

You can view the timetable before the enrolment to the courses by using the attributes after login in on this** page. Make sure, that you have selected the right term under your name.

Attributes at SU SBA (for instance. PN1EME) are created by this formula:

1. positionform of study “P”
2. positiontype of study “N”or “B”
3. positionyear
4. - 6. positionprogramme
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en/registrace_predmetu.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/24 09:13
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