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zapis_predmetu_en [2023/05/29 12:58] Jan Chmelazapis_predmetu_en [2023/05/30 08:55] Jan Chmela
Řádek 43: Řádek 43:
 <WRAP round important> <WRAP round important>
-Enrollment is possible only at the set dates, that are visible in the upper part of the page **Registration and Enrolment**) or can be find **[[registrace_predmetu#terminy_a_pojmy | here]]**.+Enrollment is possible only at the set dates, that are visible in the upper part of the page **Registration and Enrolment**) or can be find **[[registrace_predmetu_en#terminy_a_pojmy | here]]**.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>