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Classes in MS Teams (basic usage)

As part of Office 365, offered by SU, application MS Teams can be used for online courses. Application is compatible with OS Windows, macOS or can be run in web browsers MS Edge/Google Chrome. Other browsers are not fully compatible, as they don’t allow use of audio/video courses. As part of license, every user of MS Office 365 can create a team. Creator of the team is set automatically as owner (teacher), which controls setting and access of other users. He can give another user owner rights.

Basic recommendation for usage

For full functionality, as stated above, we recommend installation of local client. Installation file is available on this link After installation of the application, login with a username and CRO password. Warning: CROlogin is your personal login into the systems on the university, IS SLU, e-mail, moodle etc., its form close to abc0001. After installation of the application Microsoft Teams in Windows, you can find link in Start menu.

Pic. 1: desktop version of application Teams in Start menu It is also possible to use a mobile app Teams for Android and iOS.

Webcam and mic

If you don’t use a notebook with integrated cam and mic, you’ll need to connect external. Most webcams comes with integrated mics.

Internet connection

Stable internet connection is required for use of video courses.

Connecting to team as a student (team member)

As stated above, you’ll need to login into the desktop or mobile app in first place.

Pic. 2: initial login screen of desktop application MS Teams Login must be if form of and password to CRO.

Adding team with a code

If your teacher sends you a access code for a team, insert it into the field Připojit se k týmu pomocí kódu in section Teams.

Pic. 3: adding team with an access code After entering the code, team will be added automatically to the list and you can immediately start working with it.

Pic. 4: status after inserting the code If more then one teams are present, chose the correct with click of the mouse. You can add other teams, as instructed above through Připojit se k týmu nebo vytvořit nový.

Pic. 5: adding new team, if you already part of other one You get choice to create new team or add existing with a code. This is one-time operation. We advise to add team as soon as you’ll get invitation from teachers.

Pic. 6: inputing code to connect to the team The team will be added to the list.

Signing into the meeting

You can find list of planned courses in calendar on main screen team. Displayed are all planned events of all teams you’re part of.

Pic. 7: list of activities on main screen By clicking on planned meeting (e.g. Test 3 in Pic. 7: list of activities on main screen), detailed information is displayed. You can connect by clicking on Connect. This will take you directly into the virtual course.

Pic. 8 detail of meeting with possible connection During the videoconference, you’re able to watch presentation, board (if used by teacher), contribute into the chat and make a notes. We highly recommend to turn of your mic during lecture. In case of bad connection, it is best to disable both in and outgoing video (in setting další možnosti). A security message about allowing usage of mic and cam can pop up. Please, allow it.

Pic. 9: allowing access to mic and cam In case, you have all access set, a window with connection setting appears.

Pic. 10: status before start of the meeting With buttin Connect you enter the meeting. Cam icon controls camera function, icon blur will blur your background, icon mic controls microphone function.

Pic. 11: detail of settings before start of lecture By clicking on Connect you’ll connect to the lecture. By moving cursor, a menu appear onscreen. In this menu, you’ll see e.g. runtime of the course or mic and cam controls . Clicking on icon, you’ll activate / deactivate the appropriate equipement.

Pic. 12: menu during lecture Button is used to share a content – desktop, app window, presentation saved on OneDrive, board.

Pic. 13: available sharing options Picking from the list will allow others to access to chosen section. Ending of share depends on the type – mostly by button , which substituted the share button. Other options to end share can appear onscreen.

Pic. 14: variants of stopping sharing Next you can display chat and list of members watching the video. Chat can be used as other communication metod apart from video or chose specific person to display presentation (that person will give presentation from his/hers computer). You can also disconnect them from lecture. To end the lecture, click on icon . Information about the meeting displays on the main team page. Here yoell find chat history, files and recording of lecture (if teacher chose to use it).

Pic. 15: displayed details and recording after end of the meeting By clicking on video, you start the playback. Video is saved in service Stream in Office 365. This means that all videos can be found on main page of the team in MS Teams or MS Stream.

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navody/teams_stud_en.1665116153.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2022/10/07 04:15
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