====== Instructions for MS Teams ======
Username is in the form of ** "your_CRO_username@ad.slu.cz" (for example xyz9876@ad.slu.cz)**. Password is the same as in **CRO (mail, ISSU)**.
An application for team communication, that is a part of the cloud service **[[officeonline_en|Microsoft 365]]**. It is tailor made for online courses. All you need to do, is to log in **[[https://teams.microsoft.com/|HERE]]** or download local client **[[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app|HERE]]** with your **[[sluzby:cro_en|CRO account]]**. Don't forget to add the **"@ad.slu.cz"** behind your CRO user name. It tells Microsoft, that you belong to our University, through which you gain access to the application.
* Instructions for [[teams_stud_en|students]]
To access any recordings created in Teams use **[[https://web.microsoftstream.com/|THIS]]** website.